Better Combat v1.0.4
This mod enhances combat difficulty by adjusting AI behavior and combat mechanics to provide a more challenging experience.
– AI attacks more frequently.
– AI switches attack zones more often.
– AI reacts faster in certain situations, such as clinches.
– AI dodge probability increased. (Optional)
– Player’s Perfect Block and Master Strike windows halved. (Optional)
– Player’s base armor is now equivalent to other NPCs. (Optional)
– Significantly reduced damage bonuses from skills. (Optional)
– All melee weapon damage is reduced by 40%. (Optional)
Note: If you’ve edited the values or want to, you need to repack the mod properly after editing. Otherwise, it won’t work at all. Use this mod to repack the files.
– Locate your game installation directory.
– Create a folder named “Mods” if it doesn’t exist.
– Extract the mod files into the Mods folder.