Cutscene FPS Unlock (Fully Automatic) v1.0
Have you ever wished that your game’s cutscenes ran as smoothly as the gameplay? Cutscene FPS Unlock – Fully Automatic lets you experience high frame rate cutscenes without any extra work. With our one-click solution, the mod automatically updates your game’s configuration—no manual file editing required.
Key Features
– One-Click Operation: Simply run the batch file and let the mod do the work.
– Unlimited Cutscene FPS: Break free from the 30 FPS cap for truly cinematic visuals.
– Fully Automated: No technical skills needed—just double-click and enjoy.
– Built-In Backup: Automatically creates a backup of your Engine.pak as Engine.pak.backup.
– Safe & Reversible: Easily revert to your original settings if needed.
How It Works
Our mod employs a straightforward batch script powered by 7‑Zip and PowerShell:
– It extracts the game’s configuration file from the archive.
– It replaces the line:
– sys_MaxFPS=30with:sys_MaxFPS=0
– It repackages the archive while preserving all other settings and formatting.
Installation Instructions
Note: When you run the script, it creates a backup (Engine.pak.backup) of your original Engine.pak file in the same folder first.
– Place the Script: Copy fix_fps.bat into your KingdomComeDeliverance2\Engine folder.
– Run the Script: Double-click the batch file to apply the mod automatically.
– Restart the Game: Launch the game and enjoy smooth, uncapped cutscenes.
Modifying game files can sometimes lead to unexpected issues. We strongly recommend keeping your backup and using this mod at your own risk.
Transform your cinematic experience with effortlessly smoother, high-FPS cutscenes!