Easy To See Herbs II v2.0
Turns out I am re-releasing my KCD 1 mod cause KCD 2 has the same problem: you can’t find Belladonna, Herb Paris and Mint, unless it slaps you across the face.
KCD 2 might have some extra herbs. Let me know if you see one that’s near invisible so I can investigate.
Changes were made to:
– Belladonna (that b!): made it look less like a dead plant. Now it’s pink.
– Mint: Increased the brightness of the lowest “cotton ball” flower in the middle of the plant, and gave the leaves a “minty” decal. Now it looks cute.
– Herb Paris: Added yellow “stripes” to upper leaves. Made the ball (lol) brighter. Added yellow discoloration to big leaves. It’s still damn hard to find.
– Nettle: Added white “hairs” to plant. You used to think “I’ll find nettle by the water”. Surprise: it’s everywhere.
*subtle changes, based on actual photos, for realism.
You are going to see belladonna and mint A LOT now.
“OMFG they were EVERYWHERE?!” – Literally everyone.
On plant colors looking different compared to game:
If I save the texture exactly how it is in-game, the game will load it and make it shine like a diamond. We have to REALLY darken modded textures to compensate for this, and try to match colors via trial and error. This process is INFURIATINGLY ANNOYING. As such, I will not be making further changes to brightness and saturation. It’s as close to the unmodded texture as I can mentally handle. Now I wanna play the game.
… just drop the easytoseeherbs folder in your Mods folder I guess.